
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Birthday To My Son!

Candle birthday cakes.

The boy is 9 today. He has been very excited about his birthday. We are celebrating tonight with hubby, the boy and I. The boy wants me to make Egg Drop Soup, potstickers, Grandpa's meatballs, California sushi rolls and Onigiri(Japanese rice balls) for his celebration dinner. So we are having appetizers for dinner tonight. LOL Tomorrow he is having his birthday party with his friends and a few classmates at Pump It Up which is a really fun place to have a birthday. All of his friends are looking forward to it. It will be fun. We ordered a cake from the bakery yesterday and got a few things to put in the goodie bags so we are set. I ordered the pizza for the party this morning. Tomorrow we will pick up the cake, candles and get ice cream. I like that I don't have to do anything to get ready for the party because Pump It Up takes care of everything except we need to bring a cake knife, candles, a lighter and ice cream.

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1 comment:

  1. Thats so funny that you call him the boy. Thats what I called my son too!! Still do and he is 30 years old. We call the dog that too.

    Hope he had a great dinner and a great party.
